Burn Injury

Resources for burn injury victims in Kansas City

At Langdon & Emison, we understand the devastating impact burn injuries can have on victims and their families. Our Kansas City burn injury lawyers have assembled this guide to help you navigate recovery and find the right resources for healing and moving forward. Contact us online or call (866) 931-2115 to learn more.

Understanding burn injuries

Burn injuries can vary in severity and type, including thermal, chemical, electrical, and radiation burns. The severity is classified into first, second, and third-degree burns, with third-degree burns being the most severe, affecting all layers of the skin and possibly underlying tissues.

Medical resources for burn injury victims

Burn centers and hospitals

Kansas City is home to several medical facilities specializing in the treatment and rehabilitation of burn injuries:

Rehabilitation services

Rehabilitation is a critical component of recovery for burn injury victims. Kansas City offers several facilities that provide comprehensive rehabilitation services:

  • Saint Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute: Offers a range of services, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and pain management for burn injury victims.
  • Missouri Rehabilitation Center: Provides inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services to help burn injury victims regain independence and improve their quality of life.

Support groups and counseling services

Support Groups

Connecting with others who have experienced similar challenges can be incredibly beneficial for burn injury victims. Kansas City has several support groups that provide emotional support and practical advice:

  • Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors: Offers support groups and resources for burn survivors and their families, providing a safe space to share experiences and learn from others.
  • Mo Kan Burn Foundation: Provides support and resources for burn injury victims, including support groups and educational programs.

Counseling services

Professional counseling can help burn injury victims cope with the emotional and psychological impact of their injuries:

  • Beacon Mental Health (formerly Tri-County Mental Health Services) provides individual and group counseling for burn injury victims, helping them navigate the emotional challenges of their injuries.

Legal resources and advocacy

Legal representation

Burn injury victims may need legal assistance to secure compensation for their injuries. Langdon & Emison specializes in representing burn injury victims, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Advocacy organizations

Several organizations advocate for the rights of burn injury victims, offering resources and support:

  • Burn Foundation of America: Advocates for burn survivors’ rights, providing resources, support, and education to help individuals and families navigate life after a burn injury.
  • Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services: Offers legal advocacy and resources to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities, including those with burn injuries.

Financial assistance programs

Government assistance

Various government programs can provide financial support for burn injury victims:

  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): Provides financial assistance to individuals who are unable to work due to their burn injury.
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Offers financial support for individuals with limited income and resources who are disabled.

Non-profit organizations

Several non-profits provide financial assistance and resources to burn injury victims:

  • The Burn Foundation: Offers grants and financial aid to individuals with burn injuries, helping cover medical expenses and rehabilitation costs.
  • The American Burn Association: Provides resources and financial assistance for burn injury victims, including scholarships for therapy and rehabilitation programs.

Vocational resources

Vocational rehabilitation

Returning to work after a burn injury can be challenging. Still, vocational rehabilitation programs can help:

Contact Langdon & Emison for help with your burn injury case

At Langdon & Emison, we are dedicated to helping victims of burn injuries navigate their recovery journey. Our experienced attorneys are here to support you in securing the compensation and resources you need to live a fulfilling life. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your legal options and how we can assist you.

Visit our website or call us at (866) 931-2115 to learn how we can help you with burn injury cases.