AAJ Urges FDA to Abandon Industry-Led Approach to Subpar Testing for Carcinogens | LE

AAJ Urges FDA to Abandon Industry-Led Approach to Subpar Testing for Carcinogens
The American Association for Justice has issued a call for an end to industry-led testing for carcinogens…

Watch the Edge: When Unsafe Pavement Drop-Offs Cause Accidents with Devastating Consequences
L&E attorneys have litigated construction defect cases coast-to-coast. Read this post to learn more about the key elements of what to watch for in a shoulder defect accident.

Litigation Tips Related to Truck Driver Fatigue
Langdon & Emison continues to represent clients nationwide in truck accident cases. This blog post looks at a few key principles in your truck accident case, particularly related to driver fatigue.
Dangerously Parked Trucks Lead to Increased Collisions on the Road
Sometimes trucks can pose a threat to other drivers even when they’re not in motion. Read this blog post to hear about how one case of ours served as an unfortunate example of how dangerous trucks can be when they’re improperly parked.
AAJ Supports Legislation to Update Insurance Trucking Minimums for Wreck Victims
More analysis from L&E attorney David Brose on the latest in truck litigation; the AAJ supports new regulations proposed…
Reports Show that Safety Checks are Rarely Conducted on Hazardous Materials Shipments
New data shows that truck companies are rarely doing the safety checks they are supposed to.
AAJ Supports Bipartisan Legislation to Restore Legal Rights to Servicemembers
The AAJ continues to lead the way in speaking out on behalf of citizens affected by pending legislation.
Deaths from Tractor Trailer Accidents Reach Highest Level in Almost 30 Years
A new blog post from attorney David Brose examines the basics of initiating truck accident litigation, in the wake of recent NHTSA statistics.
When Should an Airbag Inflate?
In recent months, our law firm has seen an increasing number of airbag non-deploy cases resulting in severe injuries and fatalities. These cases typically involve catastrophic failures of passenger presence sensor systems that fail to recognize the passenger seat is occupied, which in turn, disables the airbag.
Can You Hold the Bar Accountable in Drunk Driving Cases?
In 2016, nearly 15,000 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. When evaluating a drunk driving case, consider the possibility of a “dram shop claim” if the defendant driver was potentially overserved by a bar or restaurant.
Defective Front Seats Cause Catastrophic Injuries in Rear-End Crashes
The front seat in your vehicle plays a vital safety role in rear-end crashes – the same as airbags and seatbelts in frontal impacts. When seatbacks are weak and defective, they can collapse and fail in rear-end crashes and cause catastrophic injuries to the seat occupant or rear passengers.
Top 5 Reasons Deadly Guardrails are on U.S. Roadways
Defective guardrails installed on U.S. roadways are maiming and killing motorists. While the defects are well-established, the story behind them tells a much darker tale of deceit and corporate misconduct.