“They Should Be Paying Us to Live Here”: Tenants File Lawsuit Against Owners of ‘Left to Rot’ Retirement Building | LE

cross lines retirement center
March 30, 2022

“They Should Be Paying Us to Live Here”: Tenants File Lawsuit Against Owners of ‘Left to Rot’ Retirement Building

“Decent, safe, and sanitary” – These federal housing requirements are anything but complicated, and yet the residents of two Kansas City apartment buildings are missing […]

what to do if you see a wrong way driver
February 21, 2022

What to Do if You See a Wrong-Way Driver

Thousands of people every year are involved in wrong-way crashes on divided highways and other roads. These types of crashes often cause head-on collisions, which […]

February 3, 2022

Improperly Parked Trucks: A Common Hazard on American Roadways

  We have seen in our practice the accident report on a wreck with a truck may not provide an accurate picture of what caused […]

truck driver negligent hiring
December 17, 2021

Truck Driver Negligent Hiring: A Deadly Issue

Would you feel comfortable driving a gargantuan truck measuring 70 feet, weighing 80,000 pounds, where you are sitting 10 feet above everyone else? Probably not, […]

car rental accident attorney
December 10, 2021

Avoid Fees With the Help of a Rental Car Accident Attorney

Whether you hit someone in your rental car or someone hit you, you need the help of an experienced car accident lawyer to protect your […]

what percentage of accidents are caused by trucks
November 26, 2021

What percentage of accidents are caused by trucks?

Of the 6,756,000 motor vehicle crashes reported in 2019, over 164,000 involved large trucks.  Furthermore, in 2019, 97% of the people killed in accidents involving […]

defective medical device lawsuit
November 19, 2021

FDA Regulating Medical Devices

What happens when a public health agency forfeits responsibility and allows medical device manufacturers to police themselves? As recent third-party assessments reveal, manufacturers become emboldened […]

michael politte
November 11, 2021

Wrongful Conviction Case Moves Forward

Michael Politte, who is represented pro bono by the Midwest Innocence Project, MacArthur Justice Center  and Langdon & Emison, has had a busy 2021 as […]

depression after car accident
November 5, 2021

Depression After a Car Accident

Depression after a car accident is not as well-known or well-studied as anxiety after a car accident or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The limited amount […]

where can I report a car seat defect
October 22, 2021

Where can I report a car seat defect?

Listen up, parents and caregivers: Did you know that you play an important role in product safety? You have the power to report vehicle problems […]

toy defects
October 8, 2021

Common Toy Defects and Related Injuries

It’s an unfortunate reality, but hundreds of children are injured each year by toy defects. If your child was injured by a toy or item […]

September 30, 2021

612 Tire-Related Fatalities Reported in Most Recent Year’s Data

NHTSA has come out with its most recent stats on tire-related crashes in America.  The results can be seen in the below infographic.  Loss of […]
