A Small Business Owner’s Perspective on Business Interruption Insurance | LE
A Small Business Owner’s Perspective on Business Interruption Insurance
Our attorneys are standing by to talk with business owners nationwide about Business Interruption Insurance coverage, free of charge for a consultation of your potential case.
Three things a business should do about business interruption insurance
In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, nearly one-third of business owners’ report cash flow as their biggest challenge over the next few months, according to a survey of small and medium size business owners.
A Quick Look at Some of the Industries Hardest Hit by COVID-19
Our attorneys are representing business owners throughout the country in Business Interruption Insurance claims. Here is our latest post dedicated to that topic.
New Data Suggests that Wrecks on U.S. Roads Actually Up in Some States During Pandemic
Langdon & Emison is here to help! Don’t think that just because the roads are less full of cars these days that there are less auto accidents necessarily.
Business Interruption Insurance and the American Small Business
Business Interruption Insurance claims are still at the heart of the debate in American small business, as these businesses whose policies did not include a virus exclusion for BII coverage are expecting coverage for their losses during the COVID-19 shutdown.
Three Important Steps for Reporting Nursing Home Abuse
This brief blog post looks at some key pointers for reporting nursing home abuse for consumers.
A Fight Against Injustice: How Law Firms are Reacting to Turmoil in the U.S.
A look at how law firms can help, during this time of reexamination of how we look at race in America.
Nursing Home Abuse: Know the Signs
This blog post looks at various signs of neglect from nursing home facilities.
Automotive Product Liability for Pedestrian Impacts
L&E attorney Michael Serra takes a look at pedestrian accidents in America, where people walking on the struck are tragically hit by cars — and how government agencies could do more to help stop them.
An Update on COVID-19 and its Impact on Small Business
A quick look at the latest stats on those injured by COVID-19, and a look at recent PPP stats.
The Problems that Hernia Mesh Can Cause to Patients
L&E is accepting hernia mesh cases across the country.
Long-Term Care Facilities Must Implement COVID-19 Control Measures
During the COVID-19 pandemic, more attention has been turned to the quality of care in nursing homes and the abilities of these facilities to keep our senior citizens safe.