On Rear Seat Occupant Alert Systems, and How They Can Save Lives | LE

September 4, 2019

On Rear Seat Occupant Alert Systems, and How They Can Save Lives

This blog post by attorney Michael Serra looks at rear seat alarm systems, and recent examples about how when manufacturers don’t avail themselves of the latest technology and consumers pay the price.

November 20, 2017

Tree Stand Hazards: What Every Hunter Needs to Know

Every autumn, thousands of Americans take to the woods for deer hunting. What’s rarely discussed are the inherent dangers of hunting from elevated tree stands. […]

October 24, 2016

Nursing Home Abuse Victims Can Now Have Their Day in Court

Countless stories tell the same tale of nursing home abuse and neglect resulting in serious injuries to residents, even death. Far too often, these cases […]

October 12, 2016

The Vanishing Jury Trial and What’s at Stake

During the last few decades, law journals and law reviews have published often about the national decline in jury trials.  As reported recently in the […]

August 26, 2016

Unsafe Pavement Drop-Offs Cause Severe Accidents

Drivers beware: when hitting the road for sight-seeing, family visits and other long-distance travel, you may be at risk of encountering hazards that put your […]

July 1, 2016

Choosing a Safe Car for your Teenager

Many parents dread the day their children turn 16. We look at this milestone not only as parents ourselves, but also through another lens – […]
