Catastrophic Injury

High-profile catastrophic injury cases and their outcomes

Catastrophic injuries often result in permanent disability, significant medical expenses, and a dramatic alteration in the quality of life. High-profile catastrophic injury cases have drawn public attention not only for the severity of the injuries involved but also for the legal battles that ensued.

At Langdon & Emison, we understand the complexities of these cases and the importance of seeking justice for those affected. Keep reading to learn about several high-profile catastrophic injury cases, then call our Kansas City catastrophic injury attorney for assistance.

What are catastrophic injury cases?

Before delving into specific cases, it’s important to understand what qualifies as a catastrophic injury. Catastrophic injuries are those that result in long-term or permanent disabilities, significantly impacting the victim’s ability to work, care for themselves, or enjoy life as they did before the injury. These injuries often include:

These injuries typically require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and lifelong care, making the legal pursuit of compensation critical for the victim’s future.

High-profile catastrophic injury cases

1. The Ford Pinto Case (1970s)

One of the most infamous catastrophic injury cases involved the Ford Pinto, a vehicle that was prone to exploding upon rear impact due to a design flaw in its fuel system. Numerous accidents resulted in severe burns and deaths. In one high-profile case, Ford was found liable for the injuries and deaths caused by this defect. The jury awarded millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages, bringing attention to the importance of corporate responsibility in product safety.

Outcome: Grimshaw v. Ford Motor Company significantly changed auto safety standards and regulations. It also highlighted the importance of punitive damages in deterring corporate negligence.

2. The McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case (1992)

Another well-known case involved Stella Liebeck, a 79-year-old woman who suffered third-degree burns when a cup of McDonald’s coffee spilled in her lap. Despite the media’s portrayal of the case as frivolous, Liebeck’s injuries were catastrophic, requiring skin grafts and extensive medical treatment. The jury awarded her $2.7 million in punitive damages, though this amount was later reduced.

Outcome: Liebeck v. McDonald’s sparked widespread debate about tort reform and changed how businesses handle product safety and consumer warnings.

3. The Erin Andrews Peeping Tom Case (2008)

Sportscaster Erin Andrews was the victim of a privacy invasion when a stalker filmed her through a hotel room peephole. The emotional and psychological trauma Andrews suffered as a result of this incident was severe, impacting her personal and professional life. She sued the hotel and the perpetrator for negligence, eventually winning a $55 million settlement.

Outcome: Andrews v. Marriott International, Inc. underscored the legal responsibilities of hotels and other establishments to protect the privacy and safety of their guests. It also raised awareness of the psychological impact of such invasions of privacy.

4. The NFL Concussion Lawsuit (2011)

In one of the largest class-action lawsuits in sports history, thousands of former NFL players sued the league for failing to protect them from the long-term effects of repeated concussions, which led to severe brain injuries, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). The settlement reached was worth approximately $1 billion, covering medical exams, compensation for victims, and funding for research.

Outcome: The case led to significant changes in how the NFL handles player safety, particularly regarding concussions and head injuries. It also spurred increased awareness and research into sports-related brain injuries.

5. The PG&E San Bruno Pipeline Explosion (2010)

A natural gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno, California, caused by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) resulted in the deaths of eight people and destroyed 38 homes. Many survivors suffered catastrophic injuries, including burns and other serious physical trauma. PG&E was found to have been negligent in maintaining the pipeline, leading to a $565 million settlement with the victims.

Outcome: This case highlighted the importance of infrastructure safety and corporate accountability. It also led to stricter regulations and oversight for utility companies.

Legal considerations in catastrophic injury cases

Catastrophic injury cases often involve complex legal issues, including proving liability, calculating damages, and dealing with insurance companies. Missouri law provides several avenues for victims to seek compensation, including:

  • Missouri Products Liability Law – Governs claims related to defective products, including vehicles and consumer goods, which can cause catastrophic injuries.
  • Missouri Tort Law – Covers personal injury claims, including negligence, premises liability, and other causes of action in catastrophic injury cases.
  • Missouri Workers’ Compensation Law – Provides benefits for workers who suffer catastrophic injuries, including medical expenses, lost wages, and disability benefits.

Missouri law allows for compensatory damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages in cases where the defendant’s conduct was particularly egregious.

The role of Langdon & Emison in catastrophic injury cases

At Langdon & Emison, we have a long history of representing victims in catastrophic injury cases. Our experienced attorneys understand the complexities involved in these cases and are dedicated to securing the maximum compensation for our clients. We work closely with medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists, and other professionals to build a strong case and ensure our clients receive the justice they deserve.

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, contact us today for a free consultation. We will review your case, explain your legal options, and help you navigate the legal process confidently.

Visit our website or call us at (866) 931-2115 to learn how we can help you with your catastrophic injury case.