To avoid harm to yourself and your loved ones, it’s important to know the road conditions in Independence, MO, and which are the most dangerous roads to watch for. It’s even more critical to be aware of how an Independence personal injury lawyer can help you if you’re hurt in a car, truck, motorcycle, or bicycle accident. Langdon & Emison provide this helpful guide to understanding where you could be at risk and what to do if you are in a crash.
Most dangerous roads in Independence, MO, and Jackson County
Unfortunately, according to the Missouri Department of Public Safety, Jackson County has the highest number of annual vehicle accident deaths. As many as 111 people died in the latest reporting year. Although it’s tempting to blame these deaths on nighttime conditions or bad weather, over 70% of vehicle accidents occur during the daytime on dry roads.
A search of the State of Missouri STARS crash reporting tool yielded these additional details about accidents in the area around Independence, MO, for 2024:
- There were 20 fatal accidents.
- 472 crashes caused personal injury to those involved.
- Over 1,200 accidents resulted in only property damage.
Passing through several large cities in Missouri, Interstate 70 is widely recognized as one of the most dangerous stretches of road. While most crashes happen closer to St. Louis, the STARS report shows that I-70 witnessed 148 accidents in 2024 around Independence, with 44 of those involving personal injury.
This highway is critical for commuter and freight transportation traffic, putting people riding in passenger vehicles at risk of harm from commercial trucks weighing as much as 80,000 pounds and measuring up to 53 feet in length. A truck accident investigation may show that poor road design or highway maintenance may have contributed to your injuries.
State Highway 291
Highway 291 was also home to 119 accidents, 22 of which involved someone getting hurt, according to the Missouri STARS report. One incident during dark and unlighted conditions resulted in a pedestrian accident. The intersection of Highway 291 and 23rd Stree in Independence is considered one of the road’s most deadly.
Highway 24
Highway 24 saw 148 crashes around Independence in 2024, with 3 fatalities and 115 incidents involving personal injury, as shown by the Missouri STARS tool. Two of the fatal incidents were in dark and unlighted conditions where the driver hit a fixed object. Although the Missouri Department of Transportation recently completed improvement projects on Highway 24, there may be additional corrections needed to reduce the number of accidents on this road.
Staying safe while driving around Independence, MO
Regardless of the risks on roads surrounding Independence, there are important actions you can take to limit the risks you face. Our personal injury team recommends the following:
- Avoid using your cell phone while driving: Under Missouri law, it’s illegal to hold a phone for texting or making a call while driving. Doing so also takes your hand off the wheel and eyes off the road, making a dangerous road even more risky.
- Obey speed limits: Speed kills, and it also makes non-fatal accidents more harmful. While it’s tempting to “go with the flow” of fast traffic, it’s smarter and safer to follow the limits and stay to the right.
- Watch for drunk drivers: Those who drink and drive put everyone in danger on every road, so watch other motorists for signs they might be intoxicated: weaving, speeding up, slowing down, or riding the center line.
- Leave room around your vehicle: Keep a safe following distance from cars in front of you, and avoid “packs” of vehicles that make it difficult to change lanes, slow down, or exit the highway.
- Always wear your seatbelt: Seatbelts are proven to save lives and minimize injury. Use them even for short trips and driving in parking lots or neighborhoods.
- Keep an eye on other drivers: Stay focused on the road to spot brake lights or sudden changes that allow you to slow down or avoid being part of a multi-car pileup.
Learn more about Independence, MO, vehicle accidents
Although the Missouri Department of Transportation reported a decrease in traffic deaths in 2023, there are still too many people who are injured and die on our roads. By being aware of these risks and what you can do to avoid dangerous road conditions in Independence, MO, you can keep yourself and your family safe as you enjoy all the city offers.
If you have more questions about managing a vehicle accident claim in Missouri, contact Langdon & Emison online or by calling (866) 931-2115 to arrange a free consultation with an experienced car accident or truck accident lawyer. We do not get paid until we secure a settlement for you, so take action by working with us today.