Business Owners’ Frustrations with Insurers over Business Interruption Coverage | LE

Business Owners’ Frustrations with Insurers over Business Interruption Coverage
Business owners are still being frustrated with BII coverage in their business insurance policies.

A Small Business Owner’s Perspective on Business Interruption Insurance
Our attorneys are standing by to talk with business owners nationwide about Business Interruption Insurance coverage, free of charge for a consultation of your potential case.

Three things a business should do about business interruption insurance
In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, nearly one-third of business owners’ report cash flow as their biggest challenge over the next few months, according to a survey of small and medium size business owners.

A Quick Look at Some of the Industries Hardest Hit by COVID-19
Our attorneys are representing business owners throughout the country in Business Interruption Insurance claims. Here is our latest post dedicated to that topic.

Business Interruption Insurance and the American Small Business
Business Interruption Insurance claims are still at the heart of the debate in American small business, as these businesses whose policies did not include a virus exclusion for BII coverage are expecting coverage for their losses during the COVID-19 shutdown.

Business Interruption Insurance Claims – Which Industries are Hardest Hit?
This blog post takes a look at the industries hardest hit by the COVID-19 shutdown.
An Update on COVID-19 and its Impact on Small Business
A quick look at the latest stats on those injured by COVID-19, and a look at recent PPP stats.
Business Interruption Insurance: Don’t Automatically Accept Your Insurer’s Blanket Denial
Partner Brett Emison looks at “blanket denials” from the insurance industry, in current COVID-19 related claims.
The High Cost of Doing Nothing to Address Most Vulnerable Groups Amid the Coronavirus Pandmemic
A brief look at the businesses and industries most affected by the COVID-19 shutdown.
COVID-19 Business Interruption: Who Should Pay?
Business Interruption Insurance has been in the news a lot lately, as insurance companies’ reaction to COVID-19 has led to a debate over to the extent that America’s small businesses will be on the hook for pausing operations.