The Problems that Hernia Mesh Can Cause to Patients | LE
The Problems that Hernia Mesh Can Cause to Patients
L&E is accepting hernia mesh cases across the country.
Long-Term Care Facilities Must Implement COVID-19 Control Measures
During the COVID-19 pandemic, more attention has been turned to the quality of care in nursing homes and the abilities of these facilities to keep our senior citizens safe.
AAJ Urges FDA to Abandon Industry-Led Approach to Subpar Testing for Carcinogens
The American Association for Justice has issued a call for an end to industry-led testing for carcinogens…
Increasing Injuries, Deaths from Keyless Vehicles
Keyless ignition has been a topic in the news a lot lately. This blog post looks at an under-reported issue with keyless car technology.
Are the Current Minimum Car Insurance Amounts Enough?
This blog post looks at ways that consumers can protect themselves in matters of car insurance and minimum requirements.
Watch the Edge: When Unsafe Pavement Drop-Offs Cause Accidents with Devastating Consequences
L&E attorneys have litigated construction defect cases coast-to-coast. Read this post to learn more about the key elements of what to watch for in a shoulder defect accident.
Litigation Tips Related to Truck Driver Fatigue
Langdon & Emison continues to represent clients nationwide in truck accident cases. This blog post looks at a few key principles in your truck accident case, particularly related to driver fatigue.
Autonomous Vehicles Still Raising Safety Concerns
Self-driving cars are gaining headlines nationwide; this blog post looks at potential liability trends pertaining to this new technology.
Dangerously Parked Trucks Lead to Increased Collisions on the Road
Sometimes trucks can pose a threat to other drivers even when they’re not in motion. Read this blog post to hear about how one case of ours served as an unfortunate example of how dangerous trucks can be when they’re improperly parked.
Research and Recent News Reports Show Concussions Cause Long-Term Impairment
New studies reveal the long-term damage in traumatic brain injuries.
AAJ Supports Legislation to Update Insurance Trucking Minimums for Wreck Victims
More analysis from L&E attorney David Brose on the latest in truck litigation; the AAJ supports new regulations proposed…
Issues of Inadequate Security and Liability Exposed in Increase in Shootings and Violent Crime
L&E continues to accept cases nationwide on behalf of individuals injured at property that is inadequately secured…