Your guide to the different types of truck accidents | LE
Your guide to the different types of truck accidents
We share the roads with tractor-trailers, delivery trucks, construction vehicles, and other large trucks that put us at risk for different truck accidents. What these […]
The role of black box data in Missouri truck accident cases
Convincing, comprehensive evidence is the foundation of any personal injury claim. If you are involved in a truck accident, the truck’s black box data may […]

The difference between settling and going to trial in truck accident cases
When you’re involved in a truck accident, one of the most critical decisions you’ll face is settling your case out of court or taking it […]

The legal implications of truck accidents involving hazardous materials in Kansas City
Hazardous materials—such as toxic chemicals, flammable liquids, and radioactive substances—can pose severe threats not only to those directly involved in a truck accident but also […]
Understanding Kansas City’s role as a major trucking hub: What it means for accident risks
As one of the largest trucking hubs in the United States, Kansas City plays a pivotal role in the movement of goods across highways, railroads, […]
Truck accident litigation: A guide for trial attorneys
Are you an attorney facing truck accident litigation decisions? Knowing where you stand, what legal strategies can work against high-powered (and highly paid) insurance companies, […]
What should I do if the trucking company contacts me after the accident?
The aftermath of a truck accident can be a devastating, confusing time – especially if you’ve suffered a severe injury. Unfortunately, that won’t stop the […]
Medical conditions that disqualify people from being truck drivers
What disqualifies you from being a truck driver? Several medical conditions can play a crucial role in determining a person’s eligibility to drive an 80,000-pound […]
Improperly Parked Trucks: A Common Hazard on American Roadways
We have seen in our practice the accident report on a wreck with a truck may not provide an accurate picture of what caused […]
Truck Driver Negligent Hiring: A Deadly Issue
Would you feel comfortable driving a gargantuan truck measuring 70 feet, weighing 80,000 pounds, where you are sitting 10 feet above everyone else? Probably not, […]
What percentage of accidents are caused by trucks?
Of the 6,756,000 motor vehicle crashes reported in 2019, over 164,000 involved large trucks. Furthermore, in 2019, 97% of the people killed in accidents involving […]
Injured in an Accident With a Mail Truck? You Have Options.
If you were injured in an accident involving a United States Postal Service mail truck, you might assume that you’re out of options. It must […]