
Business Interruption Insurance News Story Features Partner Kent Emison

Fox 4 Kansas City as part of its evening news cast last night produced a story on businesses struggling with disputing their Business Interruption policy with their insurer. Partner Kent Emison was interviewed as part of this story that looked at the conflict in-depth.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused both state-mandated shutdowns and voluntary decisions for businesses to shutter their doors this year.  To protect against these types of unforeseen closures, Business Interruption Insurance is purchased by business owners across the country.  But insurance companies are doing their best to deny coverage of these claims to policyholders.

Langdon & Emison is currently accepting these cases nationwide, in partnership with three excellent law firms. These clients are represented on a contingency basis, which means we don’t get paid until you do.  Click on the video link below to view this news story from Fox.

