The latest issue of AIEG Voice magazine has published Langdon & Emison attorney Kent Emison on the topic of “Trends and Practice Tips for Your Distracted Driving Case.” Kent’s article points out that there are more than 3,000 deaths in the U.S. from distracted driving every year, and that number is only expected to increase as the use of cellphones becomes more and more integrated into our daily lives.
Research has shown that going from hand-held to hands-free provides no significant safety benefit. This is because “hands-free” usage doesn’t address the essence of the distraction. The burden of talking on a cell phone — even if it’s hands-free — saps the brain of 39 percent of the energy it would ordinarily devote to safe driving.
In a recent piece of research, hand-held cellphone usage was evaluated by measuring cognitive impairment across a wide array of measurements.Both hand-held and hands-free operation were evaluated across a wide variety of measurements, and each method yielded a score of 81.6%, showing how truly difficult it is for people to complete two tasks at once.
— From “Trends and Practice Tips for Your Distracted Driving Case”
AIEG Voice goes out to all members of the Attorneys Information Exchange Group, a nonprofit organization dedicated to plaintiff’s advocacy. Kent has been an active board member of the group for over ten years, and Langdon & Emison has been a proud supporter of AIEG events over the same period.