Partners Brett Emison and Kent Emison were published in the February 2024 edition of Trial magazine, with “Keeping Defense Expert Depos on Track.” The article covers preparation and strategy for defense experts’ depositions.
“Whether the deposition is in person or remote, be prepared to focus the attention of the witness and the jury at trial on the part of the exhibit you want to emphasize. For example, with a document such as an incident report, highlight the portion of the report you want the expert to reference, and create a demonstrative version of the exhibit with a pop-out where the highlighted language is easy to find.”
Both Brett and Kent are members of the American Board of Trial Advocates. Both Partners focus their practice on catastrophic injury and death cases, including auto product defects, railroad acidents, and a full array of personal injury matters. Brett practices out of the firm’s Independence, Mo., office, while Kent is in L&E’s Lexington, Mo., office.
Full article PDF: Trial_Feb24 EmisonEmison