Lithium Batteries Pose Risk of Serious Injury | LE

07 Aug Lithium-Batteries-Pose-Risk-Serious-Injury

Lithium Batteries Pose Risk of Serious Injury

Power sources for electronic devices with rechargeable batteries, such as phones, laptops, tables and even e-cigarettes, have fallen under criticism recently as injury cases are […]

Langdon Emison
06 Aug Tips-for-Spotting-Tire-Defects

Tips for Spotting Tire Defects

Tire failures are a major cause of vehicle accidents but the defects that cause the tire to fail may not always be apparent. Old, aged […]

Langdon Emison
05 Aug Evidence-of-Truck-Driver-Fatigue

6 Tips for Identifying Evidence of Truck Driver Fatigue

Too many hours behind the wheel can lead to dangerous fatigue in truck drivers and put motorists at serious risk of harm. Many factors influence […]

Langdon Emison
04 Aug 3m-warming-blanket-infection

Lawsuits Heat Up Over Infections From 3M’s Bair Hugger Warming Blanket

Lawsuits are heating up over a warming blanket, used in 80 percent of U.S. hospitals during surgeries, that can expose patients to contaminated air from […]

Langdon Emison
31 Jul Avelox-Suits-Over-Nerve-Damage

Bayer, Merck Face More Avelox Suits Over Nerve Damage

A growing number of lawsuits filed in U.S. courts allege Bayer Corp. and Merck & Co. Inc. failed to warn patients about the risk of […]

Langdon Emison
30 Jul Personal+injury+attorney+Bob+Langdon

L&E Attorney Bob Langdon Achieves NBTA Recertification as Civil Trial Advocate

Langdon & Emison attorney Bob Langdon has successfully achieved recertification as a board-certified civil trial advocate from the National Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA). The NBTA recognized Langdon as […]

Langdon Emison
29 Jul GSK-Hit-With-Zofran-Birth-Defect-Lawsuits

GSK Hit With Zofran Birth Defect Lawsuits

Drug giant GlaxoSmithKline is facing a mounting number of lawsuits alleging the off-label use of its anti-nausea drug Zofran to treat symptoms of morning sickness […]

Langdon Emison
19 Jun Supports-Local-Fundraiser

Langdon & Emison Supports Local Fundraiser

The law office of Langdon & Emison is pleased to be a co-sponsor of the 6th Annual 4-Man Scramble Golf Tournament, a fundraiser to benefit the Lexington […]

Langdon Emison
Brett Emison Authors Book About Testosterone Therapy and its Link to Heart Failure

Brett Emison Authors Book About Testosterone Therapy and its Link to Heart Failure

Attorney Brett A. Emison has published “Testosterone Therapy’s Link to Heart Attack, Stroke and Death:  What You Need to Know.”  The iBook is available on iTunes and is the […]

Langdon Emison
Langdon & Emison Hosts Delegate from China as Part of Trial Lawyer Program

Langdon & Emison Hosts Delegate from China as Part of Trial Lawyer Program

As part of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers’ China Program this spring. Bob Langdon and Kent Emison are both Fellows in the Academy, and as such have been invited to […]

Langdon Emison
Fuel Fed Fires Article Profiles Dangers to Consumers

Fuel Fed Fires Article Profiles Dangers to Consumers

A new article by Kent Emison, “Fuel Fed Fires: Recent Case Trends Show Motorists Shouldn’t Burn to Death in Today’s Vehicles,” was published by Thomson Reuters and its Automotive report. […]

Langdon Emison
Bloomberg BNA Publishes Brett Emison on Testosterone Therapy’s Link to Heart Attacks and Strokes

Bloomberg BNA Publishes Brett Emison on Testosterone Therapy’s Link to Heart Attacks and Strokes

Langdon & Emison partner Brett Emison has authored a new article that analyzes recent studies linking testosterone therapy and cardiac events. “Testosterone Therapy: Litigation Commences After Studies Link […]

Langdon Emison