Limousine Accident Lawyers

If you’ve been involved in an accident involving a limousine, contact Langdon & Emison to find out if a defect was responsible. To reach our attorneys, call 866-931-2115.

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The Dangers of Limousines in Traffic Accidents

The high-profile limousine crash that critically injured actor-comedian Tracy Morgan and killed another passenger was a stark reminder of the dangers of limousines in car accidents. Limousines comprise what is known as incomplete, aftermarket or modified vehicles because they have been substantially modified from their original manufactured condition, making the them less stable or safe.

Langdon & Emison, one of the nation’s top product liability law firms, has deep experience handling cases involving defective aftermarket vehicles such as limousines. Common defects in limousines include:

  • Structural issues that may make them more susceptible to post-collision fires.
  • Inadequate airbag or seatbelt systems.
  • Other structural problems that can impact the safety and performance of the vehicles.

If aftermarket modifications are improperly performed by a professional (body shop, tire retailer, etc.), these companies should be held responsible for any negligent role they play in compromising the safety of innocent passengers.

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