Defective Guardrails

Langdon & Emison is at the forefront of guardrail litigation and would be pleased to evaluate your case at no cost or obligation to you. To work with a firm experienced in guardrail litigation, contact Langdon & Emison at 866-931-2115 or complete an online form.

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Defective Guardrails can lead to Car Accidents & Injuries.

Guardrails are intended to protect motorists in a crash; however, several guardrail end terminal systems cause severe injuries and deaths in auto crashes nationwide.

Langdon & Emison is a national leader in guardrail litigation and is handling a number of ongoing lawsuits across the country on behalf of people who have been severely injured or lost loved ones in accidents involving the guardrail end terminal systems. Our attorneys lead national groups dedicated to guardrail litigation and can be seen on multiple news outlets, including ABC’s 20/20 discussing the defective end terminal system.


Why the Guardrail End Terminal Systems are Dangerous

An end terminal, or head of the guardrail, is designed to absorb the energy of a crash and allow the striking vehicle to ride down the guardrail as it slows and comes to a complete stop. If designed properly, the end terminal provides an outlet for the guardrail to curl away from the striking vehicle like a flat ribbon.

Unfortunately, design defects and modifications to some guardrail end terminal systems affect how the rail collapses upon impact. When a vehicle hits a defective end terminal, the guardrail locks up and folds back, forming a spear that can slice right through a vehicle and cause serious injuries to occupants, or deaths.

Related Defective Guardrail Publications

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