Home » Practice Areas » Driver Fatigue in Trucking Accidents
Driver fatigue is one of the leading causes of trucking accidents that result in catastrophic injury or death. One study found that crashes involving drowsy truck drivers were more severe, with a fatality-to-crash ratio that was nearly two times greater than those involving passenger vehicles.
Langdon & Emison has deep experience in determining whether fatigue played a role in causing a trucking accident. Our trucking accident attorneys have specialized expertise and knowledge of the:
Langdon & Emison represented the family of a man who was tragically killed when the tractor-trailer truck he was driving was struck by another tractor-trailer that was operated by a fatigued driver.
Case Example
Langdon & Emison successfully showed that the driver of the striking tractor-trailer had 5.5 hours of rest before starting an 11-hour trip from Terra Haute, Ind., to Yelleville, Ark. During this case, federal laws allowed a truck driver to drive up to 11 hours in one day only if he or she had 10 consecutive hours off-duty before starting at trip.
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